Friday, February 6, 2009

It is amazing how the time has just whizzed pass me - I'm sure it does it when your not looking or is it just a getting older thing?! Anyway, besides trying very hard to stay cool with fans and air con doing overtime and the heatwave taking over. The poor grass looks and feels like straw and the plants and trees are just about hanging in there. Certainly not bear making weather - but never say die as I battle on with two fans pointed in my direction and the odd arm or paw pad and cotton go sailing off to the other side of the room!

Last year I happily joined in with a Bear Swap which was organized by a very brave person on Teddy Talk. My swap partner was Beth of ScaliWagGrrs and we decided we would surprise each other. Well, I now have my surprise and what a surprise it was too! For a few seconds or more I was speechless and stunned and that takes some doing - just ask my friends! Muffin looks so much like my Millie (Norwich Terrier) it's unbelievable! Millie thought so too and gave Muffin the doggie welcome check over and then tried to walk off with her - as for Amy she gave her the eyeball to eyeball treatment - a little wag of the her tail - the huff and then the walking off with head in the air 'we are not amused'!

I am not a doll person but I have been inspired by the raggies again and not only have I bought a few new ones (always do things big time) but I am going to attempt to make one, shock! horror! I made one a couple of years back and felt quite proud of myself at the time until himself said it gave him the creeps (rude word moment) and she has never left the bear room since and I didn't make anymore - time to fight back! Enjoy the pictures.


All Bear by Paula said...

I love your raggies Lyn!!! I guess we've got the bug eh?! I'd love to see the doll you made ... I haven't started a doll yet, but I'm hoping to. By the way, My 'Lyndee' raggy also has her hair stitched the way you mention in your email ... I think Lyndee mentions her technique in her auction listings.

Pardon my appalling geography if this isn't relevant to you, but after hearing about the terrible fires on the news this morning, I do hope you and your loved ones are all okay.

BumbleVee said...

you'd be surprised how many folks...and it seems mostly men...find dolls creepy.... one of our friends who is 6' 4" can't even look at them without shuddering... especially clowns..... and, actually, maybe the raggies remind some of clowns....

I think they are cute.... and I love the newest rainbow bear....